Lumbar Spinal Fusion

A spinal fusion is simply the uniting of two bony segments, whether a fracture or a vertebral joint. The reason for instrumentation with rods and screws is to act as and 'internal cast' to stabilize the vertebra until the fusion, or bony re-growth, can occur.


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Why is it done?
Historically spinal fusions have been used to correct degenerative spondylolisthesis. However, there are many indications for a spinal fusion and it is not the only procedure preformed to treat those various conditions. You should talk to your doctor about what procedure is best for you.

There are two types of lumbar fusion. The traditional "open" lumbar fusion achieved via a large incision in the back, or newer "minimally invasive" techniques that uses smaller incisions to achieve the same results. Click on a link below to see the details of each surgery type.